7 Tips for Making Working from Home Successful

7 Tips for Making Working from Home Successful

7 Tips for Making Working from Home Successful

The current COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses and organizations across the globe to send their employees to work remotely from home. The sudden switch to working from home has presented plenty of new challenges, but also offers new opportunities. So, how can you maximize productivity, remain connected with your team, and remain engaged when working from home? Here’s are 7 tips for making working from home successful.

1. Establish a Morning Ritual

Starting off your day with a morning ritual can help to set the tone for the day and can help you be productive. Here are some ideas for an effective morning ritual:

  • Wake up at the same time each day: Maintaining consistent bed and wake times are important for productivity and wellbeing.
  • Exercise: Exercise can help to improve your overall health and wellbeing and can also provide stress-relief.
  • Meditate: Meditation can help you to stay grounded and present throughout the day.
  • Express Gratitude: It is important to take the time to be thankful for everything we have.

2. Have a Dedicated Workspace

Creating a dedicated workspace with clearly established boundaries allows you to remain focused on work and can help to set the tone for a productive work day. Here are some tips for setting up your workspace:

  • Choose a location that is organized, uncluttered, and has enough space for your physical and digital tools.
  • Make sure that your workspace is well lit and properly ventilated.
  • Choose comfortable seating and don’t forget to take breaks every now and then.
  • Organize your workspace by creating zones that you can dedicate to specific tasks.

3. Structure Your Day

Working from home can be challenging and it is easy to lose track of time—especially if you don’t have a plan for the day. Structuring your day allows you to remain focused on your tasks, prioritize the most important ones first, and makes way for unplanned events. Here are a few tips on how to structure your day:

  • Set aside time for planning: Spend 10–15 minutes at the start of your day planning out how it will proceed. This will help you stay organized and motivated for the rest of the day.
  • Identify your focus: Prioritize the tasks that are most important and focus your time and energy on those.
  • Take breaks: Working from home can be isolating and when the hours quickly pass by its easy to become immersed in your work. Breaks throughout the day will help you re-energize and stay productive.
  • Track your time: This is an effective way to quickly identify areas where you can save time and increase efficiency.

4. Stay Connected with Your Team

Staying connected to your team is important for collaboration and overall productivity. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when staying connected:

  • Make use of video calls: This can help to foster better communication with your team, as well as create a sense of connection.
  • Schedule regular calls: Make sure to schedule regular catch up calls with your team to feel connected and updated on your projects.
  • Share updates: Keep everyone informed and up to date with your progress on tasks and projects.
  • Collaborate on tasks: Regularly discussing tasks with your team and having a plan on who is responsible for which part will help make sure everyone is on the same page.

5. Maintain Clear Communication

Communication is important for any team and at the heart of any successful organization. Here are some tips to ensure clear communication:

  • Get to the point quickly: When relaying important information, keep it simple and make sure to get to the point quickly.
  • Be precise: Make sure to include all important details and set expectations clearly.
  • Be Kind: Working from home can be a challenge and it’s important to communicate with a professional yet friendly tone.
  • Remember non-verbal communication: You’re not in the office, but make sure to include non-verbal communication cues such as smiley faces and emojis that can make communication more friendly and clear.

6. Eliminate Distractions

It can be tough to remain focused while working from home. Here are some tips to help eliminate distractions:

  • Set time limits: Set limits on how long you will spend on tasks and do your best to stick to them.
  • Keep your phone away: Put your phone away or on silent to avoid temptation.
  • Block out distractions: Use tools or apps that block or limit access to certain websites or content.
  • Schedule breaks: Scheduling regular breaks throughout the day will help you re-energize and stay productive.

7. Make Time for Fun

Working from home can be demanding and it can be hard to draw the line between work and home life. Having fun activities to look forward to on your break, or at the end of your day can help you remain productive and focused. Here are some ideas:

  • Cook/bake something new: Try out a new recipe and make something delicious.
  • Pick up a new hobby: Take the time to learn something new and creative.
  • Exercise: Use your break to get some exercise, it can help manage stress and improve energy levels.
  • Make time for family and friends: Schedule regular updates and catch ups with your friends and family.

Working from home can have its advantages and disadvantages, but when implemented effectively these tips can help to establish an efficient and comfortable work routine. Taking the time to establish a morning ritual, create a dedicated workspace, structure your day, and make time for fun will ensure that you stay productive and remain motivated while working from home.

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