Working from Home: Tips to Help You Take Charge and Stay Productive

As more people are forced to work from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important to develop techniques to stay productive. Working from home can be challenging, as it often comes with distractions and other unforeseen obstacles. However, there are several tips and tricks that can help you take charge of your work from home experience and stay productive during this difficult time.

Get Organized

The first step to staying productive when working from home is to get organized. Establish a workplace and designate an area specifically for work. It’s important to strike a balance between comfort and professionalism, to keep you focused and less likely to become distracted. Make sure to select an area that is clean, comfortable, and clutter-free.

Designate a spot with the main office supplies you need, such as a laptop, printer, and a desk or table. We would also recommend adding a few office items, such as a calendar, notebook, and a bulletin board for tracking progress.

Create a Schedule and Set Goals

When working from home, it’s also important to create a schedule and set goals. Map out a daily plan to keep yourself on track and ensure you’re making progress towards deadlines. Investing in a planner or calendar can help you break tasks down and keep you motivated.

Set yourself realistic goals, such as completing five tasks by noon or writing three emails by the end of the day. Additionally, set aside time when you don’t have any assigned tasks and can use the opportunity to further develop a skill or do something else.

Take Breaks

Working from home doesn’t mean that you have to deprive yourself of regular breaks. Taking regular breaks throughout the day will help reduce stress and improve productivity.

Set timers to remind yourself to take short breaks or create a schedule in which you designate certain times to step away from your desk. After lunch, take a short walk to get some fresh air or enjoy a enjoyable snack.

Showcase Your Work

When working from home, it’s important to showcase your work to demonstrate progress and measure success. Post milestones on a centralized website or other platform, such as a company-wide announcement board. Make sure to demonstrate all the tasks that you’ve completed and the goals that you’ve managed to exceed.

Stay Connected

Working from home doesn’t mean that you have to be disconnected from the rest of the team. Socializing with colleagues and staying connected with team members can help keep morale up and ensure that you stay on top of tasks.

Schedule regular meetings with the team using a video conference platform. Additionally, use instant messaging platforms or team chat rooms to keep the conversation flowing and ask questions.

Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Working from home can blur the line between your work and personal life, making it difficult to maintain a healthy work-life balance. To ensure that you stay productive, it’s important to limit your work hours and set boundaries for “non-working time”. Set a time for the day when you will “clock out”, turn off all devices, and transition into personal time.

Take some time to relax or use that time to practice a hobby or focus on a passion project, such as an online course or side project.


Working from home presents many challenges and it can be difficult to stay productive without the right tools and techniques. By following the tips and tricks mentioned above, you will be able to take charge of your work from home experience and ensure that you stay productive during this difficult time.